Hurricane 101
Hurricane History

Reducing Environmental Damage During the Storm

          There are several ways to reduce environmental damage during a hurricane. I strongly recommend taking all the advice I give below, because it will probably prevent a lot of damage and save you or someone else a lot of money if a hurricane happens to comes your way. First of all, you should make your trees more wind resistant by trimming back dead or weak branches. This will keep them from being blown off the tree during the hurricane and hitting your house, another building, power lines, etcetera. You should also bring in any outdoor objects such as lawn furniture, toys, garden tools, and anchor objects that can be brought inside. This should be done because if these objects were picked up by the winds and dropped in any random place, it is very likely that some damage would be done or someone would be injured. In addition to this, be sure to cover all window and door openings with shutters or other shielding materials. Permanent shutters are the best, but you can also put up ½ - inch plywood panels cut to fit each window. This will protect your windows and doors, and keep the wind from blowing them away. There are many other ways to reduce environmental damage during a hurricane, but no matter what you do, be sure to use common sense.